More than any other place in a home or business facility, garage flooring endure the most significant abuse over time. Just think of the dirt, mud, snow and other elements around. As an owner, you want what’s best for it, right? Most people think that to ease the damage and freshen up the garage floors is through painting them. Most homeowners choose this option as it could be much cheaper, easier and an effective way to seal the concrete.
As one of the premier epoxy garage floor coating providers, we tell you that it’s actually not true. Here are the compelling reasons why you should not opt for concrete paints.
Quickly deteriorate over time
Just keep in mind that there’s an explanation we don’t suggest painting floors, especially garages. Even though you seal the surface after painting it, the substances you’ll need to do so are tricky and risky to handle. On the other hand, the sealers may not withstand the regular damage that a garage floor endures. Plus, painting is dirty, the prep work is costly, and the outcome will be less than ideal if you don’t correctly.
Relatively expensive
It is, in reality, not worth it. But, if you do it right, your paintwork will last at most a year before it has to be redone. First, let’s take a look at how much painting the square foot garage costs. Also, consider the effort and time it took to clean and clear the garage in preparation for a fresh coat of paint. Accordingly, you may notice that your garage floors will begin to peel and wear again.
Complex application
Applying paint to garage floors usually takes more time than an epoxy floor coating. In fact, the painter must need to fill the gaps and holes to have a smooth surface. Plus, it requires putting some tapes along the corner to prevent the paint from splattering. Not only that! You must also have floor sand for the concrete paint to adhere. Therefore, turning to epoxy flooring is a much better option than paint.
Acrylic paint dust
You may be surprised that concrete paint may be the reason behind it. Sometimes it seems like the garage is a dust trap. Once you’ve decided to apply paint over it, paint dust is usually mixed with the coating. As a result, you’ll be inhaling all those dust and particles.
Prior oil spills and marks will be covered and stay after applying concrete floor paint. The dirt and other debris are likely to get lodged beneath the ground due to inadequate surface treatment. Your garage floor will likely have this discolouration due to the heavy-duty paint on top.
Looking For An Effective Garage Floor Coatings?
Maintain the durability and performance of your concrete floors. Garage epoxy flooring, unlike concrete paint, is chemical, abrasion, and impact resistant. Surely, your new epoxy garage floors will be able to withstand even the most demanding applications.
If you’d like to learn more about the differences between our garage floor epoxy coating, we have a fully qualified team ready to assist you. We service Chattanooga, TN, North Georgia, and the surrounding areas.